© 2002-2025 Evie
and Heidi
Part 3
journey, then. May the High Ones guide you.** He really
didn't know what else to say. He was disappointed, but by
Crimson's bloody blade, he wasn't going to admit it. Besides,
he hadn't stopped others before when they had wanted to
leave. Not when they were dead-set sure it was in their
best interest.
something in him stirred--angrily. She hadn't given his
tribe a chance. He knew she'd fit in and knew she would
seamlessly--given time. Temper fueling his thoughts, he
finally sent his true feelings. **I'm sorry you seem to
think my tribe is less welcoming than your mother's will
was shocked for a moment as his sending hit her, and set
her on temper aflare with the sting of his mind voice. **You
said you will teach me the Way, yet all I have learned since
coming is that elves fear and dislike anything different
from them!** she sent back just as fueled by stubborness.
**And don't tell me again that there are no differences
between me and your tribe...why is that??? Because you say
it is so** She threw the last thing she needed into her
pack and stood up straight.
never said for sure that I wasn't coming back, but I can't
say that I am.** She closed her eyes for a moment, trying
to reign in her anger. **Do you know what I see when some
of the elves look at me. They think of humans...that's what
I remind them of. And when you send scouts and some of them
see humans for the first time...they'll see dark skinned
creatures with long limbs. Like me.**
because some have not been very receptive, doesn't mean
all of us haven't,** the chief whirled around to reply.
Strangely, a slight scent of ozone filled the air, but when
Wildlight took a deep breath to calm himself, it was gone.
**Was there ever a time when *I* made you feel that you
were not welcome? I've wracked my brain since you ran off
earlier, and I can't think of one. As for being compared
to a human, there is no comparison. I've seen them and I
know. Others of us have, too, and there is no way we would
make a comparison between our two kinds.**
folded his arms over his chest. **But there are some here
who won't accept change easily. It took Snapjaw literal
turns to even accept that some of us bond to griffins now,
and I still don't quite think he accepts them as equals.
It took a lot of work and a lot of proving on their behalf
to even get to the point where they did now. They kept at
it, and I know if you gave it a chance, you'd find it would
be the same for you. I have faith in you, can see the Wolfrider
blood in you.**