© 2002-2025 Evie
and Heidi
Part 4
had to bite her lip to keep from yelling back at the chief,
the tiny hairs on her body standing on end. But what she
hated the most, was that he was right on most accounts.
She couldn't think of one time that he himself had treated
her like anything other then one of them. And she wondered
why, when she continually gave Wildlight every reason in
the world to send her packing. After several moments, standing
there, and looking pretty much defeated she mumbled out.
**I'm scared Wildlight....** It never occurred to her that
it was the first time she used his name rather then title.
**I fear the future...and how lonely it could be if things
stay as they are.** Her eyes were lowered, never before
had she admitted so much of a weakness to anyone. For all
the elves in Stormrise knew, Pyre had no feelings at all.
wish, with everything that I am, that I had one solid reason
to come back here. I wish that all I needed to be content
in my lifetime was hunting and swordplay...** She raised
her eyes to look in his direction. **Most of all I wish
I knew why you fight so hard to keep me here at Stormrise
when I give you every reason not to...**
Wildlight felt a twinge of sympathy toward the huntress.
It could be difficult to feel the outsider in a group--he'd
felt that way at times when his sister's talents had blossomed
and suddenly she was the talk of the tribe. But he discovered,
all too quickly, that it was himself keeping his progress
in check.
reached out a hand and put it on her shoulder. **Is friendship
not a good enough reason for your return? Family? Yes, your
mother's people and her ways live in her birth village,
whereever that might be. But your father's way is here,
too. In this tribe, we are all family, and every time I
lose one of my family I can feel it,** he pointed to his
chest, **here.**
looked directly at her. **I fight for you to stay because
you are part of that family, too. And I like your company,
what little of it you've granted me.**
hadn't expected to be so direct, but once it was said, he
felt no remorse for saying it. It was true. Their sparring
in the woods those days ago had brought him out of a depression
he'd thought might be impossible to surpass. It had brought
him back to the NOW.
It was an odd feeling for the huntress who had never before
experienced it with another. Wildlight's hand felt warm
on her shoulder, and also surprisingly, helped to ease that
trembling fear she expressed to him. **Friendship is a good
reason...** she sent with a sigh.
As their sparring had helped him pull out of his depression,
for Pyre it allowed her to connect with another on some
level. Wildlight gave her a chance, and for it she respected
and felt towards him as no other. She owed him to give Stormrise
more of a chance, and more importantly she owed her and
her sire. With her lips faintly flickering a smile, she
nodded her head. **I'll return, when I've finished what
I need to do..** she promised. She paused for a more, her
silver eyes flickered in the dark of the den. **Wildlight,
because we are friends, there is something else I must tell
you. There is another reason I am leaving the hurst. I..**
She again paused in apprehension, instincts to keep her
secrets to herself closely guarded. But she had to trust
somebody, and she somehow knew she could trust Wildlight
with anything. **I don't know my soulname..** It felt some
weakness to her, a lacking that she never accomplished and
that other elves achieved in their youth.