© 2001-
2025 Anonymous Wolf
Part 2
She felt so guilty,
she let the cub go and now maybe he was in danger. Cooltouch
seemed understanding to her daughter's feeling, because
she quickly called for her lifemate.
**Loam hurry!
We need your help.** she sent. Few minutes later, Greenbranch's
father arrived.
Is everything fine?** he asked **How is Greenbranch?**
**Father... Fangshade...
we've to find him before them!** the cub begged her father,
tears rolling down from her eyes. Surprised, Loam turned
to Cooltouch.
missed, she says he's alone and doesn't know of snakes!
Please, Loam, let's find her cub** Cooltouch sent, grabbing
her lifemate's arm. Greenbranch's father was still surprised,
but the sad look on his daughter's face was clear.
**Okay** he sent.
**Cooltouch, we still didn't meet him, so he obviously is
ahead. Look left, I'll go right.**
**As you wish
beloved** Cooltouch sent **Come Greenbranch, you'll see
we'll find where Fangshade is...**
The elf walked
around, hoping her daugher's cub was fine. He knew how much
Greenbranch loved Fangshade: he couldn't think how her daughter
would feel, if something bad would have happened to the
Suddenly, he
heard a faint cry. The cry of a wolf pup.
**High Ones no**
he thought while running in the direction the cry came from.
As he walked nearer, he heard a deep growl, and a cold,
strong hiss. But when he arrived, everything had already
happened. Little Fangshade was on the ground, lifeless,
even more little than he ever appeared to be, blood falling
from his throat. A bit farther away, there was the dead
corpse of a giant snake whose eyes were still widened: a
dark gray wolf, big and strong, with a bow shape on his
forehead, growled angrily at the reptile. According to the
fact he never saw such wolf before, Loam assumed he was
a loner.
**Loam? What's
happened?** a voice came from behind him. Loam turned, he
wanted to avoid Greenbranch seeing her lifeless wolf-friend,
but when he saw her, he understood it was too late. Greenbrach
had seen. Her eyes were opened wide in horror, gazing at
the dead cub.
**Oh, Greenbranch...**
Cooltouch cried, hugging her daugther. But Greenbranch refused
her mother's hug. She ran to the dead wolf, took it between
her arms, but didn't sob. She just stared at him.
**Why just you...**
she whispered with a light growl, holding the lifeless Fangshade
as if she feared he could leave her, **You were just a cub...
you weren't doing anything wrong..**
His father stepped
to her.
**Leave me alone!**
Greenbranch firmly growled.
**But...** Cooltouch
started saying.
**As you wish,
cubling.** Cooltouch put an hand on her lifemate's arm,
and slowly also Loam stepped back.