© 2001- 2025 Anonymous Wolf
Part 3

That night, snakes were gone. Every of them had been found and killed: seven snakes who shortly brought the panic in the tribe. Fangshade had been brought back at home by the same Greenbranch, who now sat in front of her den, without a word. She had said nothing since the wolf died: she didn't eat anything that night, she didn't howl. She just growled angrily, feeling it wasn't just. A little cub couldn't be a danger for a great snake: then, Fangshade feared them and he probably had been escaping. Before the reptile's cruel attack.

**Why?** she wondered hissing. **I just want to know why.**

It was night: the moon was high in the sky, but Greenbranch wasn't sleeping. She couldn't sleep. She didn't want to leave her lifeless wolf-friend.


::Dunno:: a voice whispered. Surprised, Greenbranch turned and saw the loner wolf - who recently had been accepted by the alpha couple. The one who killed the snake murderer of Fangshade. His avenger.

::Bad greenhiss:: the wolf sent as he put his head between Greenbranch's arms and Fangshade's corpse. He wanted to be hugged.

**You can't know how much.** Greenbranch whispered, holding him.

::Own cub too. All dead:: the wolf sent briefly ::Mate died::

**I'm sorry** Greenbranch sent, patting the wolf's head. Suddenly, the gray wolf raised his eyes on hers.

::Bondmate:: he sent gazing into her eyes. Greenbranch gasped and almost let fall the body of Fangshade.

**Bondmate? Does this mean...?** she whispered. Then, with a sigh, she held the wolf. She knew, it was the Way. But it still seemed so strange **What's your name?**


Greenbranch thoughtfully stopped for a while, then sent, **Nightbow? Do you like?**

::Sounds good. Elf-friend?::


Greenbranch smiled as she threw her arms around the wolf's neck. Feeling she wasn't anymore alone. Maybe, had Fangshade had brought her to meet Nightbow. Who knew? She only knew she wasn't alone now.

**Goodbye, Fangshade.** she locksent to the wolf who couldn't hear her anymore. **Goodbye, and thanks, you know, thanks.**

Morning after, Cooltouch and Loam woke up and found their daughter asleep, still holding Fangshade's corpse, but also the wolf who avenged him.

**Do you think she already found another bond?** Cooltouch asked to her lifemate.

**Who knows?** Loam answered. **I just know she doesn't seem anymore sad as before. Even if she'll never forget her first wolf.**

**You can bet.**

They couldn' t hear her, but still sleeping, lost in her dreams, slowly Greenbrach whispered a phrase...

"Thank you, Fangshade."


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