© 2001-
2025 Anonymous Wolf
Published on stormrise.com on November 26, 2001
Part 1
A story of
Nightcry's first wolf bond.
::Play now elf-friend?::
Greenbranch laughed
as she hugged Fangshade, her beloved wolf friend. He was
a small sized, very young wolf pup, with bluish-gray fur
and shining yellow eyes. So called because he was very shady
and often growled when someone, who wasn't Greenbranch,
dared to approach him. Though, with her, he was the most
sweet, playful, and gentle wolf pup of the pack. The only
true friend Greenbranch ever had.
**As you say,
little one** she giggled. Fangshade happily barked to her
before he twisted and jumped away from her hug, playfully
barking around her in a happy dance.
play! Elf-friend play!:: he locksent to her. Then, he suddenly
turned away, vanishing into the woods.
**How do you
bet I'll find you immediately, you little pest?** Greenbranch
play!:: the voice of the wolf sounded once again.
**Be ready Fangshade,
I'm coming to catch you** Greenbranch warned, before she
started walking around. Looking for the small wolf. The
sun was high in the bright sky and wind was not very cold:
a perfect day for games, she thought happily. Her brown
eyes gazed all around while she quickly ran between trees
and bushes, ready to stop as she saw a lightning of bluish
fur. Then, she heard the scent of several other elves, tribemates
of hers, and stopped, surprised. What was happening? Why
was everyone in the woods? Were they playing taal?
**Here there's
someone!** a voice opensent. A voice she could recognize
between hundreds of others.
she weakly sent.
**I heard something.**
the voice sent again. For a while the silent fell on the
wood, then Cooltouch jumped down from a tree and saw her
daughter **Greenbranch! High Ones cubling, are you allright?**
she asked hugging her tightly.
**Me?** surprised
Greenbranch asked **Huh... I think yes... why do you ask,
mother?** she turned to see her mother:
Cooltouch's eyes
were opened wide from fear, she could feel she was nervous
just from her sending.
**Cubling, didn't
you hear Plainswalker's opensending? High Ones, I can't
think... you risked so much Greenbranch...** Cooltouch cried
hugging her daughter once again.
**But why?!**
Greenbranch asked **Mother, what's happened?!**
**There are giant
snakes here around, Greenbranch. Many of them, our hunters
are just on the way** Cooltouch whispered **We found two
tribemates dead, and three wolves too. High Ones, cubling.
head back at home immediately! Can you? Greenbranch? Are
you listening to me?**
No, suddenly
Greenbranch wasn't listening to her. She was as pale as
death and trembled with fear.
she screamed.
Cooltouch asked.
**Mother, hurry!
Fangshade's wandering in the woods! He doesn't know of the
snakes!** Nightcry cried **Please mother let's find them!
If snakes would harm him...**