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Stormrise Map Legend

  1. Paths to Hot Springs - There are two paths to the hot springs--the first and easiest wends around the beach and lower cliffside to the west. The more difficult path goes over the northern cliff face. During times of heavy rain, rock and mudslides can make the path over the cliff too dangerous to climb.
  2. The Beach - Common swimming, fishing, and crustacean gathering place for the elves..
  3. White Cold Caves - The elves' home when the seasons turn cold and stormy. Cave dens may be either individual hollows in the cliffside or interlaced with others via the network of stone inside the northern cliff face. Generations of rockshapers have made the caves what they are today.
  4. Steep Path to the Inlet - The inlet in which the caves are located are surrounded by tall cliffs on three sides. This path is the most direct route to the caves from the mesa-like plateau above.
  5. Lifegiver River - The elves' main source of fish and fresh water. The river is very wide and rapid in places, and easily crossed at others.
  6. Beginning of Gullies - This shallow ravine marks the first of a network of gullies and valleys that wend through the foothills and mountains. It was in this spot that the elfin hunting party first encountered the shadow-beasts.
  7. The Griffin Aeries - These tall peaks are the natural home to the elves' flying allies. However, though elves and griffins are now bonded, the elves still must be wary of the unbonded flying beasts who also call these mountains their home.
  8. Barren Flatlands - This rocky, barren land holds little vegetation. However, it provides the most direct route to both the inlet or the Talldark Forest to the southeast.
  9. The Hot Springs - These warm waters bubble deep from within the rock of the northern cliff face. They are a common gathering spot for the elves, especially on the coldest of days.

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