© 2002-2025 Ally
Part 2
**Tobin?** she
sent quietly. Violet eyes wrenched themselves away from
the heavens and turned to meet eyes that matched his in
intensity, if not in color.
he answered.
**Tobin, what'cha
think we'd be doin' right now if our parents weren't dead?**
The little healer
didn't answer right away, and instead looked out to the
east where the storm was still brewing, although it was
much closer now than it had been when the pair had woken
up. Frowning slightly, the male cub turned back to his friend.
"Dunno," he replied. Maybe they'd each be off
with their parents, his father teaching him how to swing
from tree to tree as gracefully as a treewee. Maybe Quill
would be off learning to use sling traps or repairing nets
with her mother.
Tobin, although
a full three winters younger than Quill, had a mind that
was a little more mature than the female's. It wasn't that
he was smarter, necessarily, it was just that he thought
a little more logically than Quill's "act-on-your-first-instinct"
thought process. Then again, there never was that much of
a process to her thoughts. It was "react and don't
stop to think about it 'cuz you may talk yourself out of
it" sort of thing. The healer had pulled Quill out
of many a situation that was the consequences of her reactions.
So Tobin's quick mind came up with a myriad of things he
could be doing if his parents hadn't died. Some things he
could be doing that had nothing to do with his parents,
other things were things that related specifically to them,
and one thing he thought of shocked him. So, naturally,
he voiced his idea.
"I'd pro'lly
be doing what I'm doing right now." The dark-haired
cub rolled onto his side, and flung his arm over Quill's
stomach, snuffling down into her shoulder. She giggled in
response, hugging him back. She couldn't see his face anymore,
but she knew she had made him sad. Well, not sad really.
It was too long ago to still be really sad about it, but
she had made the little wolves in his head run around and
make him think.
Silence descended
over them like a heavy fur, comforting but isolating. The
world was quiet; not a bird stirred in the trees, a mouse
scratch in the grass or wolf nose about in the undergrowth.
Realizing the unnatural quiet, Quill wondered if it was
a good idea to head back to the Hurst, where she could find
Flamefern and stay safe, because right now the silence was
a little disquieting.