© 2002-2025 Ally
Part 3
She was about
to ask Tobin if he wanted to go, but the resonant roll of
thunder nearby cut her query off. Startled, the older cub
sat up quickly, Tobin soon following. The clouds were much
closer then when Tobin had last looked and a warm wind had
sprung up blowing in the same direction as the clouds were
coming. Gray clouds swirled with streaks of midnight blue
and violet raced towards the Hurst while flashes of lightning
ripped through them to light up the sky. Vanguard clouds
began to blot out the very stars that had been watching
over the little cubs in the field.
Over her initial
surprise, Quill squealed with pleasure every time a flash
lit the sky, Tobin's hand still gripped firmly in hers.
The little healer winced slightly whenever Quill got particularly
excited because his palm bore the brunt of it. Starwatching
quickly turned to stormwatching as the rain began to pour
in torrents. The lightning illuminated the planes of Quills
face as she ooo-ed and ahh-ed at the slashes of light in
the sky that reminded her of Shadowmist's tanning knife
cutting through a bear hide. The rain was warm, reminding
both youngsters that summer wasn't far off, and this was
probably the last rain they'd get for a long while. It seemed
the animals of the forest felt it coming.
Standing, the
two of them began to race around, jumping in newly formed
puddles, screeching and dancing and spinning about until
they fell down in a heap of hair, mud and wet leathers.
Blinking rain out of their eyes and licking water off their
chins, the two came to the unspoken conclusion that to get
under cover would be a good idea. After reaching the tree
line, the two friends began the slow walk back to the Hurst,
arm in arm, both wishing they could have bonds so they wouldn't
have to walk the whole way. Soon, Quill mused aloud. "Yah
know what?" Not surprisingly, she didn't wait for Tobin
to answer. "I'm not glad that Mother and Da died, and
I lost them." Quill looked at her feet as they scuffed
their boots through wet leaves and mulch. "But I am
glad I found you." The female looked quickly at Tobin
out of the corner of her eye to gauge his reaction. The
little healer only looked back at her, a slight smile playing
about on his lips.
"I know,"
was his only reply.