© 2002-2025 Ally
Published on stormrise.com on May 8, 2002.
Part 1
Seas of endless
silver eyes stared down on the world beneath the two moons,
ever watchful, ever caring of the small habitants of the
strange and feral land. Two sets of eyes gazed back; one
pair as amber as the dying fire, the other a swirling violet
of the very storm threatening to break far in the east.
Neither pair betrayed any fear towards the stars towering
over them, unaware to the idea of pondering their own insignificance.
The night was
warm enough to jump in the stream and play "catch-the-leapers"
and dunk one another until breaths were taken in large draughts.
It was warm enough to strip down to loincloths, bashfulness
and modestly meaning nothing in the oblivion of youth. And
it was warm enough still to race, dripping wet and screeching,
clothes trailing behind like colorful tails, to the large
field surrounded in honeysuckle and violets, and collapse
down into the natural depression in the ground. Chests heaving
with laughter, short of breath from the run, Quill and Tobin
curled up next to one another, fingers intertwined. Eventually,
their breathing returned to normal, occasionally synchronizing
until Quill got fidgety and rolled around, only to find
a more comfortable position and settle down again.
It had been
three winters since the cubs had lost their dams and sires
to the raging hailstorm that had run through the Hurst.
Quill had found solace in her agemate, sharing his pain,
sharing his thoughts. The two had become closer than close,
physically and emotionally. They were inseparable; you could
rarely find one without the other, or as Wildlight liked
to say, "They're like two burrs in a boot." If
one laughed, the other would soon follow suit, and when
one was crying, the other one would often be found feeling
just as melancholy. Sure, they were friends with the other
cubs. Dizzy, Bearcub and Dawn were their friends, but it
just wasn't quite the same. Despite their obvious personality
differences, Quill couldn't imaging her life without her
little healer.
The last few
moons had been busy for the cubs, what with summer fast
approaching and all the new places to explore and foraging
parties needing little hands to get into small places. But
the two friends had somehow avoided their elders on this
particular night and they soon did one of Quill's favorite
things to do with Tobin. Watch the stars. After exclamations
of finding familiar patterns in the stars, and finding new
ones, the cubs soon began to merely stare. Turning her face
away from the lights in the sky, Quill looked at Tobin's
profile as he continued starwatching.