© 2002-2025 Evie
and Heidi Published on stormrise.com on July 22, 2002
Part 1
lost cubling has returned, and the tribe has celebrated.
However, such good news hasn't lightened the hearts of all
the tribesmates...
to her den, Pyre spent several hours mingling about, picking
up articles and setting them back down. She was bored, and
she knew it, but the dark skinned elfess wasn't prepared to
face the members of Stormrise after her little outburst that
she didn't realize wasn't so little at all. Finally, feeling
rather restless, she picked up a sable haired brush and settled
outside her small den. She unbound the mass of flaxen blond
hair from the confining sash, and it fell in thick strands
down her back. She ran the brush neatly through the mass,
not because she needed it but because constant motions like
these helped her to think better. Where was it she had lost
her temper, what was nagging at her all these days. It couldn't
be a simple matter of feeling outside of the other elves,
because as Wildlight pointed out she sometimes wasn't so distant
at all. In fact if she allowed herself more so to be, it might
trigger some changes. So what was it that was bothering her
so much that she snapped at people like a foaming wolf. A
whisper from the forest caused her head to turn in that direction,
like she was being beckoned. There was something that still
set her apart from the rest of the elves in Stormrise. Something
that most figured the young cub Quill had left the holt to
discover. Her soulname. Pyre really wasn't sure what exactly
a soulname was, but she knew it was important to the wolfriders.
Her mother's people didn't have one, so Yelena never thought
to encourage her cubling to search for one. And maybe her
case was one of, you can't miss what you don't know you should
have. But now she did. And now she missed it. Coming to a
descision, she sent out to the chief, respecting that to dissappear
at such a time would not be wise. **Wildlight, may we talk
alone?? My den??** she sent apprehensively.
The events of
the eve had worn down. Wildlight had danced, very much against
his nature, into a near state of exhaustion. Right now,
he'd propped himself up against a tree to catch his breath
and to fend off the bit of a dreamberry haze that was swimming
its way around in his mind.
At the sound
of the send, his eyes snapped open and he became quickly
sober. Though Pyre had said she might join the festivities
later on, Wildlight hadn't really expected to hear from
her at all. And now, her send seemed anxious somehow. Was
something wrong?
He finally gathered
his hazy thoughts enough to send an intelligible reply.
**I'm on my way.**
His legs didn't
quite want to work as he heaved himself up off the ground
and made his way through the maze of trees known as the
Hurst and to Pyre's den. He took a bit more time than he
would have liked to get there, but the hollow entrance of
the dwelling stared back at him soon enough.
**Pyre,** he
sent up to the darkened entranceway, **is something wrong?**
Stormrise Holt
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