© 2001-
2025 Maxwell
Published on stormrise.com on August 19, 2001
Part 1
StrongCub yawned
as he felt the stirrings of life in the small den that he,
his mother, and his father called home. His brother had
once been included in that list, but by a sad twist of fate
his beloved WolfPaw had been killed by the very things he
so loved. The sound of his cry still rang disturbingly clear
in the small elf's ears as he lay on his furs and dreamed
of his lost sibling. StrongCub felt his eyes mist as he
thought of all the fun things that he and his brother had
done, while living in the now, before his brother's death.
He sniffled the tears back down as he struggled with the
thought of facing the day.
face contorted with sadness as she watched her only living
cub laying miserably on his furs. She shuddered thinking
of the cub that she had lost only a single turn of the seasons
ago. The loss had stricken her mate and son harder than
it had her as she had lost a cub before from the time when
she had been recognized, but RowanHand had never lost a
child before. She felt RowanHand lay his warm calloused
hands closed over her shoulders. The elfess looked up at
her mate, "Lifemate what are we going to do about are
son? He is torn and so will I be if I must see him like
this even one more day!"
The chestnut
haired male looked at his beloved and sighed, "I know
not what to do but to keep his mind from our cubs death.
Perhaps we should take him hunting?" RayneCrystal turned
and looked hopefully ather lifemate, her green-black braid
swishing behind her as she faced him. He nodded and turned
to his son, "Ho there StrongCub, would you like to
follow your mother and I on a hunting trip?" The cub
turned from getting dressed and looked wide-eyed at his
RowanHand smiled
as he noted the desired pick-up in his son's attitude. the
slim cub was soon dressed and standing outside waiting for
his parents. His parents came out a few moments after, StrongCub's
sire carrying with him a new dagger that the cub had never
seen with his father or mother on the hunting trips. RowanHand
approached his son and handed him the dagger with a smile,
"This, my cub, is your first hunt so tis only fitting
that you recieve your first weapon this day." The cubling
stared at the finely sharpened weapon in the light of the
mother moon as it rose, turning it over and over in wonderment.
smiled warmly as she mounted Will O Wisp, her wolf bond
and pulled her cub in front of her and asked the tawny wolf
to take it easy on him. StrongCub gazed out at the forest
as it streaked past them as the family searched for suitable
game. RowanHand, the tracker of the family soon sniffed
out the tracks of a longtooth and smirked at his lifemate.
His only cub smiled at him, he was so proud of having such
a talented father and such a beautiful mother. StrongCub
watched as his father guided them on the trail to the game
for that night.
Soon, however,
his mother began to notice a strange scent coupled with
the scent of the game. She inhaled deeply and found that
it was the smell of poisoned blood. She sent to her lifemate,
**Faln, something is not right here. Mayhap we should go
back and look for safer game?** RowanHand nodded to his
beloved, **I think that you are right Nefra. Something smells
truly wrong here, the prey is not safe to hunt.**
The small cubling
that sat mounted with his mother remained blissfully oblivious
to a serious danger. He did note the sudden stiffness of
his mother's posture and the swiftness in which they changed
directions. He looked up at his sire and stared at him,
"Father, what's wrong? Why are we leaving?" RowanHand
turned to him ** No time now StrongCub, we must leave quickly.**