© 2001-
2025 Linda Aarts
Part 2
Lonely. That
was how she felt right now. Goldstar shivered, and wrapped
her arms around herself. She was furious when she discovered
that Hawkeye let Ripple follow her. She felt so much anger,
totally against her nature. Why did he follow everything
she did? Why couldnt she do something without him
knowing it? For a moment, she felt a cub again. Then already,
both Hawkeye and Talon had taken care of her. She kind of
liked it. She especially had feelings for the red-brown
haired male: Talon. He was wild, had his own meaning about
things, did what he wanted to
And Hawkeye, he had
been the silent one, always following rules. She thought
of her feelings back then. She liked both of them, but Hawkeye
always seemed to be so
soft. And when she and Talon
recognized, she had shared her thoughts. Talon had agreed.
It would have
been so easy when they had invited him. But they refused
him, and she had known that it had hurt the male. She then
felt sorry for him, but the new feelings of recognizing;
carrying a child and giving birth were so new that she
sort of forgot him. Until the birth she hadnt almost
thought of him, until the birth. And she was so ashamed
of herself, that she had refused him to enter. She simply
couldnt see him. The feeling of guilt was so strong;
it almost tore her apart. Almost. And she had the same feeling
when she heard the fact that he left, after the birth of
The night that
Talon got ill, the first person she thought of was Hawkeye.
Not only had he been the best friend of Talon, once, but
his quiet and peaceful character would help both her and
Stormsong with this. The last moments of her lifemates
life, she had sent with him. He had told her his feelings
that he had when both he and Hawkeye had playfully challenged
each other for winning her love, feelings of jealousy that
he had had, the fear that she would choose Hawkeye above
him. And that had shocked her. Talon had regretted his feelings,
and let her promise that she wouldnt tell Hawkeye
any of this. And that, she found very difficult. Talon would
keep away parts of his feelings from his best friend. From
the one that had always accepted the things that happened
around him. Hawkeye had accepted their refusal. He had accepted
their recognition. He had accepted the fact that she didnt
allow him to be with the birth
after a while. But
shepromised it. She would keep his last thoughts for him.
Hawkeye had offered
her and her daughter his help, but she couldnt accept
it, afraid to tell the last words of Talon
**Please, help
me find Mudspatter. He has to be here somewhere.** Tiredness
and grief could clearly be heard within her sending, and
Hawkeye hesitated.
"A lot of
strange things have happened these few days," he softly
spoke. "Listen, Goldstar. Wildlight has promised to
form a search party for the lost bonds. But it is just
too dangerous to be here, at this moment."
Coldnose whined
softly, and he began to walk up and down, restless. A vague
scent reached Hawkeyes nose, which made him alert
Goldstar watched
the steps of Coldnose. "I just have to find him."
She spoke firmly. And suddenly there was another question.