© 2001-
2025 Anonymous Wolf
Part 2
When she arrived,
she saw a cub hidden on a branch, while a giant snake, of
a emerald green color, was slowly going to him. **"High
Ones! No!"** she exclaimed, while the others elves ran to
the place. Fox didn't wait: he jumped on the tree and attacked
the snake, taking his head with an hand. Then, he took his
kife while the snake hissed trying to free himself, crashing
the elf up and down for push him away. The knife hit the
skin one, two, three, four, five times... and the head of
the giant snake fell down in Fox's arms. The elf removed
his hair from his face while the cub's mother ran to take
her child.
she cried. **"Thanks, Fox!"**
**"You've been
great, Fox."** the father said. All the others elves were
looking at Fox as a sort of hero, or such.
**"What a courage!"**
**"Well, Fox!"**
the chieftess, walked to Fox. **"Well done, Fox."** she
opensent. **"The tribe needs of elves as you."**
**"Ehm... Plainswalker?"**
GreenBranch asked. But nobody was looking at her, all were
still admiring Fox's courage. With a sigh, she came back
to her deer, she took it on her shoulders, and walked at
the holt. The deer was heavy but she felt better thinking
they would admire also her, for it. **"We're almost.. at
home... Nightbow..."** she sent weakly. But when she arrived,
she realized nobody looked at her deer: all the others were
speaking with Fox, just surrounded by the more flirting
maidens of the holt. **"Tribemates! I've got..."** she started.
One of the elves turned to her.
**"We haven't
time for you, now, Greenbranch! Fox just saved the life
of one of our cubs!"**
felt all her happiness falling around her. Obiouvsly she
wasn't a hero, not now that her brother saved a life.
she started.
The elf turned,
now a bit tired of this all.
**"Listen, Greenbranch,
we haven't time for a cub now. Go to play with your wolf
and left us speaking with your brother."**
almost screamed. So she was looked as a cub? Not a huntress?
Oh, obiouvsly she was only the little sister of Fox the
Nightbow raised
his eyes to her.
**"No cry."**
he sent when he saw tears falling from her cheecks.
**"Let's go
back, Nightbow."** she sobbed in a locksent. **"There's
no place for us here."**
**"And deer?"**
**"Leave it."**
Greenbranch sent without turning. **"This isn't matter what
I caught."**
She ran until
when she was alone, then she sat, her head between her hands,
and left tears falling from her brown eyes.
**"Why? Why?
Why I have to be only Fox's little sister?"** she sobbed.
The desperation left the place to a terrible anger. **"Only
because he killed a stupid old half-blind snake! They haven't
the right to think he's better than me! It isn't just!"**
The deep growl in her troath changed into a sad and angry
ouptraged scream.
She started
howling, but tears suffocated her howl, transforming it
in a cry that resounded all around her. More she heard her
voice, more she cried of anger, of sadness, for the injustice
she felt. When she opened her eyes, she realized there was
an elf in front of her. Plainswalker. The chieftess was
staring at her with raised eyebrow. She realized her scream
wasn't resounded only around her. Probably she worried also
the ones who were happy for Fox's win.
**"I... I'm
sorry, my chieftess."** she sent weakly, avoiding to look
Plainswalker. While she still waited for being called stupid
cub by the chieftess, she felt an hand on her shoulder.
When she raised her head, Plainswalker said:
**"You're not
more little Greenbranch. From now, you'll be Nightcry."**
I?"** her eyes opened wide.
**"You. Good
luck... Nightcry."** with the shadow of a smile in her eyes,
Plainswalker turned and left her.
**"All right,
Greenbranch?"** Nightbow asked to his elf-friend. She looked
at him.
**"Do not call
me so more, Nightbow. Now I'm changed. Now I'm Nightcry."**
she sent, with a smile, holding her wolf, her best friend,
and howling to the Mother Moon.