Name: |
Ruth |
E-mail: |
Email Ruth |
Name: |
Snapjaw |
Gender: |
Male |
Age: |
2,900 years |
Soulname: |
Gunnar |
Origin: |
Native |
Family: |
Parents, dead.
Siblings, dead. Recognized twice when he was young, had
some children, Bravedream, Leafcharm, Fastwolf, and Ivoryfire,
but they're dead, and so are his lifemates. Almost everyone
he knew and loved is dead. Has some great-great-grandchildren
running around. Raising an orphaned great-great-great-grandchild,
Siblings: |
None |
Lifemates: |
a young huntress killed by humans during the war with the
humans; and Greenway, a treeshaper, Recognized after the war |
Mate: |
None |
Magic: |
None |
Skills: |
Carving, Hunting |
Weapons: |
Knife, Crossbow |
Personality: |
He's a gruff,
cranky, smart old wolf. Snapjaw has seen it all and done
it all. He's a survivor. He's old and cranky and a bit of
a crackpot. Snappish and brooding and hermit-esque. He is
very much the lonewolf, often feels disconnected from the
much younger generation he's now living with. Knows way
too much, understands life and elven nature a little too
well. Very little surprises him. When in a good mood, he
can make the weirdest, most off the wall observations; he
has a quick, sarcastic, biting wit. A tough, demanding teacher.
He has mood swings, often suffers from depression. When
deeply depressed, he will self-medicate with wine and questionable
herbs. Set in his ways, hates interruptions, a traditionalist
who follows 'The Way,'but he has a hard time living in the
'Now'of wolf thought because he does dwell on the past.
Keeps his own counsel, rarely has much to say, if you want
his advice, you'll have to pry it out of him. Meditates
often, usually in the morning (twilight)--or when he's carving.
Very, very nocturnal.
Likes to meditate in the morning (late-afternoon and twilight)
and then work on his carvings, and pity the fool who interrupts
-- you better be bleeding or on fire if you barge in. Snapjaw
carves elaborate boxes/trunks, staffs, bows for those who
prefer a hand-carved bow instead of a shaped one, and toys
and domestic utensils. Makes toys for the Holt's children.
Likes: |
be left alone; his meditations and carving; peace and quiet;
when he's in his better moods, scaring the cubs (he has a
reputation to maintain) |
Dislikes: |
distractions; disorganization; loud or clingy people, flirts,
idiots, young adults... Humans |
Fears: |
forever, that life will never change, that in the end, he's
always alone; the uncertainty of death, not knowing what comes
next. |
Appearance: |
a piece of old, tough rawhide. Tall and lanky, sinewy muscle
tone. 4'3". |
Marks/Scars: |
scarred hands from all his carving and whittling. Has no problem
going to a healer, but doesn't bother with just any old nick
or cut. On his left forearm, Snapjaw has two long scars across
his wrist, above two rows of smaller, very even, old black
scars. He doesn't hide them, but he doesn't show them off.
When asked about them, Snapjaw only says, quite cryptically,
"I cut myself." |
Hair: |
brown, with some streaks of gray and white: salt and pepper;
can be attributed to his wolfblood. Thick and straight. Usually
ungroomed, tangled, with a braid or two and some dreadlocks. |
Eyes: |
dark, muddy green |
Clothes: |
anything available. Style doesn't occur to him, just comfort.
Patched breeches, shirt with long sleeves, belt, and calf-high
boots. Wears an overshirt/parka with hood when away from the
Holt. Colors tend to be earthy, whatever color the hide happened
to be, and styles are always utilitarian rather than decorative. |
Clothes: |
gloves, furred boots, scarf and whatever else is needed to
stay warm. |
Jewelry: |
None |
History: |
Snapjaw is as
old as dirt. 2,900+ years old. He has done a bit of everything
over his long life, a jack of all trades. Current interests
are hunting, carving, wine brewing and happy weed, and keeping
Dizzy from torching the forest. Recently adopted Dizzy,
a great-great-great-grandchild of his who was orphaned.
Lately, Snapjaw has been seeing ghosts/spirits of dead elves.
He's not sure what to make of it, so he keeps it to himself.
He figures maybe he's close to death himself and is seeing
through the thin veil between life and death. If not that,
the only option is that he's going stark raving mad, and
that possibility troubles him. |
Beast: |
Timber, Wolf,
Age Unknown
Gender: Male
A large timberwolf,
a mix of dirty cream, black, and brown. More amicable than
his rider. Timber is getting old, and he spends a lot of
time around the Holt sleeping. Also spends a lot of time
cubsitting Dizzy.
Stormrise Holt
website is copyright ©2025 Heidi Henderson.
This site, in part or in whole can not be reproduced without the express
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Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |