GWA 2005
Qui-Gonn Jinn
"Best Human"
-Anyon: father
-Maeve: mother (deceased);
-Doran: brother (deceased);
-Turi: brother (deceased);
-Carrah: sister (deceased);
-Olyn: guardian;
-Braenna: guardian;
Dancing, Making jewelry, Making clothing
Sihuu is generally
a reserved and quiet girl since her family passed away.
She has a touch of superstition, amplified by the losses
she has experienced and the constant preaching of her ‘aunties’.
She enjoys walking on the seashore and collecting pretty
objects, especially shells, which she crafts into modest
pieces of jewelry. As many young girls are prone to do,
she also enjoys gossiping with her friends, especially about
romance now that her first crush has fallen upon her. Despite
her quiet demeanor, she greatly enjoys festivals and public
gatherings; the crowd of people helps her loose her normal
inhibitions and she willingly gives in to the chance to
sing and dance, momentarily fulfilling her unspoken desire
to be the center of attention.
crafting jewelry, walking along the seashore, collecting objects,
gossiping, being placed upon a pedestal.
storms, lack of manners in others, being alone, chores.
living her life alone, the priests of the Circle.
5'8" she is considered tall for a woman of the village.
Long legs and a slender but well-toned physique make her an
attractive dancer. Her hands are also strong from toiling
chores and long, slender fingers give her a nimbleness when
crafting and sewing.
cleft below her lip, a signature of her bloodline.
and deep acorn brown, it hangs to her lower back and constantly
curls at the ends. She typically wears it loosely pulled back
into a ponytail when working, using a leather thong decorated
with coloured beads for a tie. Otherwise she lets it flow
freely around her shoulders.
green and wide set. Sihuu doesn’t think her eyes are
very pretty, as the green color of them is so dark and muddy.
Sihuu likes to
make to her own clothes. During the warmer months, she wears
a modest shift dress with short sleeves of woven light brown
material, cinched at the waist with a thick leather belt
she has decorated with a number of shells and pretty stones.
While working she wears a greying apron over top. Summertime
often finds her wearing sandals.
She dresses up
for festivals, though, and has spent much time painstakingly
sewing several fancier, coloured dresses for such occasions.
She also enjoys showing off her newest or favourite pieces
of handmade jewelry during these times as well.
the cold months, Sihuu changes to a thicker woven, long sleeve
dress with several skirt layers that reach down to just above
the ground to conserve as much warmth as possible. She bundles
her feet in thick boots, which she doesn’t like, as
they are heavy and make her feet feel clunky. She also dons
a knitted cowl over her head to keep her neck and ears warm,
tucking the bottom into her patched coat. A pair of knitted
mittens hide in her coat pockets for when she has to stay
outside for any length of time.
pair of small hoops adorn both ears, plus a single stud and
a cuff higher up in her left ear. She keeps a collection of
bangles and anklets for the times when she dances at festivals.
Sihuu is a native
villager of Iasc. Her family was once large and by her side
when she was young and growing up – both parents,
two older brothers and a younger sister. That all suddenly
changed one night when she was entering her early teens
with her father’s death and the disappearance of her
brothers who had accompanied him. Left without a mate and
half her children, Sihuu’s mother gave up on life
and let herself slip away shortly thereafter, leaving Sihuu
and her younger sister grief-stricken, bewildered and alone
together. The kind but stern elder Werta, a friend of Sihuu’s
mother, took pity on the girls and cared for them and slowly
they began to move on. Then just a year ago Sihuu’s
sister fell victim to the ground quake that rocked the village
and later Werta died in her sleep, leaving Sihuu completely
alone. Shortly thereafter, Olyn and Braenna, two elderly
crones of the village and friends of Werta’s, once
again took the dancer girl in.
Her family’s
fate sparked deep currents of change in the young girl.
While Sihuu could come to grips with her father’s
death and the apparent deaths of her brothers in time, she
has never quite gotten over her mother’s passing on.
The manner in which the older woman simply gave up on life
frightened Sihuu to the core of her being, and the knowledge
that she and her sister were not enough to keep her mother
fighting to go on planted a seed of uncertainty in herself,
along with a hidden sense of resentment she has not yet
dealt with.
As Sihuu has
grown since the time of her family’s passing and is
now approaching true womanhood, she is quietly contemplating
what will become of her future. She adores her role as entertainer
and is still somewhat naïve enough to let herself believe
she might stay as such all her life. However, the ground
shake, storehouse fire and the starvation of late have slowly
been opening her eyes to the real world around her and she
fears for the people of the village and what will become
of them. There is still much sorting out for the young girl
to do.
A brighter point
of light in her life is her first crush: Dakin. Although
age mates, Sihuu hadn’t taken much notice of the young
man until he returned from the ill-fated hunting expedition
in the forest last summer. His quiet resolve and bravery
at entering the forest spurred an excitement in Sihuu’s
stomach when she saw him and she shyly started to find ways
to spend time with him in the hopes of discovering if he
felt the same way for her. After several such occasions,
she secretly kissed him on impulse before running back to
her hut and has savored the memory of that magical moment
ever since.
Stormrise Holt
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