Email Priscilla

No living family

Nightwing: Lovemate
Magic Sense, hunting, tanning

Shadowmist is one of those elves who has an air of mystery around them. Although she is perfectly capable of it, she doesn't speak, only sends. Only a few elves have ever heard her voice, when they caught her off guard quietly talking or singing to herself. She wandered into Stormrise many turns ago, and brought with her a mysterious and most of all painful past. Shadowmist had never been an extravert person in the first place, but the hurt she had suffered in that past had made her quite a bit of a loner. She built a wall around herself, pushing away all the things she never wanted to be reminded of again. Until recently, no one knew what her life was like before she joined the tribe, and many found that when they asked her, the only reply they got was silence.

Shadowmist likes being on her own, staring at some undefined point in the distance and getting lost in her own little dreamworld. She mostly keeps a low profile, but if you'd take a closer look you'd notice she's always there when something's happening. She's a friendly and loving elfess but you have to take the time to get to know her.

Shadowmist 's recent lovemating with Nightwing has changed her however. His love and affection made her open up completely to him, and thus Nightwing is the first and only elf in the tribe who knows about her life before Stormrise. With his help she finally, after all these turns, is starting to come to terms with what happened in the past. Because of that she opened up to the rest of the tribe a bit as well. Although she still doesn 't speak, and her past will likely remain an unsolved mystery to the rest of the tribe for ever, a smile now often replaces the sad look on her face.

Dreams, being alone, dancing, Nightwing
Being the centre of attention, violence
Recognition, giving birth, humans, and losing Nightwing in whatever way.
Very fragile and slender, you get the impression you're gonna break her in two if you're not careful. About 3'8 tall.
Raven black hair that falls down to below her waist when it's loose. She wears it in a loose braid with two feathers in her hair there where the braid begins.
Big almond shaped eyes which have a mysterious yellow color
New Green
Deep purple top that's cut of just below her midriff, with only one sleeve, a jewel-like decoration in the middle and trimmed with a lighter shade of purple. Bracelet on upper arm and a wristguard in the same colour and material on the sleeveless arm. Short skirt, deep purple as well, plus a belt and calf-high boots in the lighter purple.
White Cold
Light purple leggings under a dark purple (hooded) tunic, trimmed with some white fur. Same boots and belt.
Bracelet on upper arm. A pair of earrings Nightwing made for her. (she only wears those on special occasions though)
Shadowmist never speaks of her past. When someone brings it up she does everything in her might to change the subject. Her mother died giving birth to her (which is way she has a deadly fear of dying herself while giving birth), her father disappeared shortly afterwards, not able to cope with the loss of his lifemate, and was never found again. She previously lived with a tribe of catriders in a holt on the plains and was brought up by them after she had lost her parents.

Despite the fact that she's still relatively young, Shadowmist has already Recognized once. She found it shocking to have someone else break into her own little world and it wasn't an easy recognition at all. But after the initial problems the two of them even lifemated. No happy ending though: her mate was killed when humans attacked the holt, and to make things even worse, their cub died even before it was born. Shadowmist was devastated and ran away from her old holt and all the painful memories that lived within it.

Her past is a mystery to everyone except Nightwing, her lovemate. Shadowmist never really got over her past, because she was never really ready for the confrontation. Sharing her memories with her lovemate is now helping her along a great deal. She finally found hapiness again with Nightwing and hopes it never ends, sharing more of herself each day.

Bond Beast:

Sparkle, Wolf, Age Unknown

Gender: Female

Completely opposite of her bond. While Shadowmist likes to keep a low profile and is calm and serene, Sparkle is loud and playful and can't sit still even if her life depended on it. She's still rather young and is Shadowmist's very first wolfbond after she lived with a tribe of catriders all her life.




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