© 2002-2025 Roleplay by Rochelle, Ruth, and Heidi
Part 7

**Why should I have? None of you knew, why whine about things that had finally ended- nights of pain that were gone! I was too happy reveling in freedom, and after the way you act after years of waiting to the truth I shed tears to think how you would have reacted to me then. Would you have believed an unwounded ten season child- especially just after his parents were killed hunting?** Darkrider was calm now, or at least he was breathing slower and seemed less prone to outbursts.


**Why wouldn't we have believed?** Why? She was more in disbelief that he'd have said nothing, moreso that he'd waited all these years to do so. Especially the words of a cub. Sure, cubs had many things to learn about the ways of the world, but just as the others, there were no lies in sending. No reasons they would not believe. **Better, perhaps, then, than now if you choose to let everyone believe in an illusion about your parents for the past eights of turns.**

**And if what you say is true,** she continued, **then why do you choose to be like them, but in the reverse? To cause pain to others who need your powers? To make a poor cub, like you were at one time, do the job of his guardian because he is unwilling?** She could find pity for the past, perhaps, but not excuse for his present behavior.


**I did NOT leave him to it, damn you! I helped him, my powers were at his side, and always will be.** Darkrider was getting flush and angry again. **I hate these powers, healing makes me sick just to think about, to feel, I hate the wielders of this accursed magic- I never wanted to be one! Can you even envision the revulsion it sends through me to use this power?**


**As you were at his side tonight? Where you should be right now instead of spinning tales about wounds inflicted eight eights and eight eights ago?** Snapjaw sent. The elder had already heard of Twilight's heroic journey to bring the mortally injured stranger back to the Hurst, while wounded herself and riding a griffin, no less, when she was a wolfrider and did not know the feathered creature's ways. Darkrider had been among the hunters attacked, but apparently he had stood by silently while Twilight risked her life to get the newcomer to Tobin.

Questioning Darkrider's stingy use of his magic was far easier than the other quagmire the griffin-rider had hurled at them. Darkrider's story was unbelievable, sending or not. Tribesmates harming a child, their own blood? Wolves would sooner eat their own cubs. The telepathy only meant that Darkrider believed it himself, and the memories of a 10-year-old cub could not always be trusted. In another eight eights of turns, who knew what Darkrider would say of this very night. That Snapjaw and Wren tortured him for not using his magic and threw blades at him, chased him from the Hurst. Anything was capable in such a twisted mind.

And were the tales true -- IF -- how could Darkrider's mind help but not be twisted? The elder's gut twisted against accepting the dark stories as truth.


Wren nodded in response to Snapjaw's words. Stormsong had asked Flamefern to help her manage the pain of her injuries while poor Tobin rested from his struggles of healing the familiar-seeming stranger. People were suffering while Darkrider was trying to justify why he would not use his powers even to help his own kin. The thought of withholding something that would help others was like barbs in her gut.

**I've had enough,** she finally sent, her patience gone. **There are others who need aid and comforting, and while I cannot take the pain away, I can make it more endurable.** She knew well she'd be up all the rest of the night and probably the next day. Hopefully dried dreamberries and soft songs would help some of the injured and exhausted sleep and forget their hurts for a while, at least.

Talking was getting them nowhere, that much was clear. She was faced with deciding what to do, what to think, over the things she had heard and found out today. And what the elder had said was right. There was no way to make Darkrider use his powers, regardless of whether the tribe was hurting or not. The only solace she had was that the tribe was strong, proud, and would get through this, healer or no.


Snapjaw grunted his agreement. He had been trying to escape this melodrama from the start. There were certainly more appropriate times, and certainly more appropriate tribesmates Darkrider could talk to if he were looking for pity. The elder adjusted the belt of silver-metal bolts over his chest, checked the crossbow hanging over his back, and sent to the chief's twin, **Send for me if you need me.**


Darkrider watched them both, his eyes filled with a mixture of hate, and sad sadistic understanding as he briskly strode past them both. **Your both right, it is time this discussion ended. Apparently pains of the past matter not to high judges like yourselves! Don't worry your elder little heads about it- your new _Healer_ is on the job.** With that he began sending for Tobin.


The elder growled in annoyance. For one who had heartbeats ago denounced his hateful parents so vehemently, the hate in Darkrider's eyes was ironic. Maybe the dark elf took after his seemingly duplicitous parents more than he thought. **What do you want, a hug? Someone to hold your hand and weep for you? Even if what you say is true, what good does it do you now to lick open and gnaw at these wounds?** Snapjaw sent at the unwilling healer's back.


**I'm done with you, you want me to heal, I'll heal- but I'm done arguing with you.** Darkrider assured him, marching off to find Tobin.

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