© 2002-2025 Roleplay
by Rochelle, Ruth, and Heidi
Published on stormrise.com on March 3, 2002
Part 1
released his choke-hold on Wildlight's throat to catch the
deadweight of his chief in his arms. He quickly guided Wildlight
onto his back on the ground.
my den, move quick,** the woodsman sent as he checked the
pulse in Wildlight's neck. The heartbeat was slow, as he
expected. **Do not alarm the others. Wildlight has passed
out.** He really did not want half the tribe showing up
to prance around uselessly and inundate Wildlight with frantic,
concerned sending. That would surely wake the chief up,
and Snapjaw was sure Wildlight wouldn't hold still for another
choke-hold in the middle of banishing the elder to the moons.
Snapjaw sent to the chief's sister, **I put Wildlight to
sleep. You are in charge of keeping the rest of the tribe
from waking him. Do as Wildlight would do, put 'em to work.**
Songshaper snapped out of her concentration over what had
recently come to her in a vision by Snapjaw's send. Snapjaw
put Wildlight to sleep? How in the High Ones' names had
he done that? Out of curiosity, she sent the question to
the eldest elder, adding that no matter how he'd accomplished
getting Wildlight to rest that she was thankful.
a moment's consideration, Snapjaw decided it best not to
tell Wren the events leading up to Wildlight's now peaceful
sleep. Knowing the truth made it hard to feign innocence
later, and she also had the burden of the tribe on her hands.
frowned and headed to Snapjaw's den. The grouchy elder wasn't
his favorite person in the world, but honestly Darkrider
wasn't his own favorite person at this moment. He knew,
however, that the elder wasn't given to playful jokes, and
if he wanted Darkrider there it was with good reason. **Already
on my way- mind if I ask why?**
squeezed his fingers along the bridge of his nose. That
such a one as Darkrider was given the gift of healing seemed
impossibly ironic. **Wildlight ... has ... passed out!**
he locksent again. **He's unconscious. He's injured. Were
you not present during the beasts' attack?** Maybe Brightblade
wasn't the only one hit in the head, he mused to himself.
**Come heal your chief, unless you think Tobin can heal
two at once.**
was a low blow elder, and another one like it will warrant
a challenge. I kind of got the idea he was HURT, how would
be nice- but if you can't see the details while he's in
your arms I understand.** Truth be told Darkrider was more
fed up with himself than the elder on the matter of Tobin,
but the elder was losing more and more points this him anyway.
How amusing he could be so upset about Tobin and yet Darkrider
got none of the sympathy.
typical, Snapjaw thought to himself. Wildlight was unconscious
and injured on the ground at their feet, and Darkrider was
ranting about challenges. Snapjaw shook his head, then gently
eased his hands under Wildlight's back and hooked his hands
under his arms. **Grab his legs,** he sent to Darkrider.
**He is exhausted. We need to get him to his own den, where
you can heal him.**
picked up the legs, trying not to look at the elder, he
didn't need the anger right now honestly. He helped Snapjaw
carry him in, not keen on the idea of the elder telling
him to heal things when he hated his powers, but less keen
on Tobin doing it.