2025 Rochelle Simpson
Published on stormrise.com on January 13, 2002.
Part 1
A cry echoed
throughout the surrounding woods as a child was born. It
was no silent child, declaring its disapproval of the cold
outside world for the whole Hurst to enjoy at some unspoken
of hour of the night.
In the den the
healer cleaned and wrapped the child to hand to its mother.
Dusk, a dark haired huntress, smiled as she held the child.
**Hush little one
you'll wake half the holt.**
**Too late.**
Her son covered his ears with his hands. A thin and gothic
looking boy with the dark hair shared between his parents.
His father sighed with a roll of the eyes as he crouched
down next to his life mate. "She is lovely
I see your
fire in her eyes
" He assured her with a smile. Destiny
"And what did
you see in my eyes?" He asked, a little put out by his father's
admiration to the infant girl.
"My boy, I'm
sorry to say you share my gentle nature." His father chuckled
as Destiny flushed crimson with embarrassment but said nothing
more to the fact. He couldn't argue that he was a push over
at times, and he had NEVER learned how to properly talk
to a girl. Half the time the girls he spoke to thought he
was either hitting on them, or rude.
my love
what shall we name her?" Dusk asked her life
mate to bring him back to the topic of the somewhat calming
to describe the pride in her eyes
the fire she gets
from you
" He looked closer at the child's large blue
spheres as it starred back at him, now calm. She almost
looked like she was waiting for a drum roll to accompany
her name's pronouncement. "Dawn." He smiled to his wife.
"Dawn? I like
it would be nice to have a fire sounding name
perhaps she'll share your talent for fire Destiny." She
smiled to her son, who shrugged impishly.
"As long as she
doesn't have a talent for nagging me, sure." He decided.
"We should have
named you 'Easy Going'." His mother laughed.
"I wan!" The
two year old reached for Destiny's paints again, knocking
over his paintbrushes.
"Stop it!" He
growled at her for the fifth time in less than five minutes.
MOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She cried at the
top of her lungs. It was Dawn's fall back plan. If she couldn't
get something she wanted out of Destiny she hollered for
the nearest parent to make it all better. Destiny found
that it was one of her most annoying traits.
Predictably Dusk
came to her child's wails. "What is it honey?" She tried
to ally herself with the screaming two year old; even though
Destiny saw her eyes scan over the spilled brushes and paints.
"Were you trying to take his paints again?" She asked.
"H-he won g-g-gimme!!"
She explained like it was a crime for him to want to keep
all of his paints in one place and not scattered across
the ground.
His mother looked
up and met his eyes. The message was clear. Destiny's eyes
begged her not to side with the wailing ball of HIS misery,
while her eyes told him that she was a little at a loss
for what to do about it that would still keep Dawn quiet.
However help came for them both.
"Is that a cryin'
little one I hear!?" Shallowshade ran up behind Dawn, snatching
her into the air and playing their favorite game. Dawn called
it Sky Riding. He would toss her into the air, or run around
with her in his arms, and she would pretend she was a flying
elf (as in those with levitation). She loved the game more
than anything, and by her immediate switch to laughter it
was obvious she loved it more than messing with Destiny's
Both mother and
son watched them go with a smile. "Maybe she'll be a bird
for all her love of flying. Though her temper might still
place her as a fire shaper like you." She looked to her
"I dunno. I usually
don't try to read peoples futures. Though
if I did
I'd say she'll be a pain in my rump." He chuckled. His mother
joining in as she watched her husband and daughter play
**Dusk we go
to hunt, care to join us?** Came a hunters send. She smiled.
Dusk was a hunter at heart, as much as she enjoyed her part
time tanning.
**Always, on
my way.** With that she gave her son a kiss and ran into
her den to gather her weapons and things.