© 2002-2025 Rochelle Simpson
Part 3

Little Darkrider lay in his furs, the window was high up above him and he didn't feel like trying to reach it anyway. Again they had hurt him, he could remember the searing pain of the blade running across his backside…. He could remember the pain of the blade going right through his calf…. But looking at himself as he lay there as if dead with no will to move… there was nothing to show for it. Nothing to show all the pain he endured every night. It was like a reoccurring nightmare that he would wake up form and there'd be nothing there in the morning.

What'd I do? Why don't the High Ones like me? Was I bad? He thought to himself as he lay there looking at his hands strewn in the furs. He hadn't moved at all since his father had tossed him in the room. His legs were slightly hunched in, and his arms were cast in front of him, one laying limply over the other. His stomach felt sick again, and he could feel the muscles there tensing for him to cry again. I wanna be good High OnesI wanna be good… He swore as the hot stinging water in his eyes fell silently down his dark skinned cheeks and into the furs next to his face. Just let one adult notice… let one person help me, I don't wanna hurt anymore… **

* *

Four years passed, and no adult noticed. Instead, Darkrider was outside again, this time he was sitting on Rookshaw's back when his parents found him. But much to Darkrider's relief they hadn't come alone. Snapjaw was with them. Even if Darkrider had never been fond of the elder he was fonder of him then of being hurt. "Honey mommy and daddy are going to go hunting with Snapjaw and the others, wanted to let you know before we went." Emerald ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead while she smoothed his hair.

Darkrider looked down at Rookshaw's fur. "Uh huh."

"What's wrong honey are you not feeling at all well?" His mother grew 'worried' and held him close to her.

"Poor boy's been a bit pale, but he was never much of a talker." Darkwolf sighed, as if also concerned and Darkrider was suddenly happy he hadn't been hungry to eat- he was very certain he might have shown them all exactly what he had eaten.

"You'er okay right honey? Of course you are… when I get back we'll make you something nice to eat from what we catch- you'll like that won't you honey?" She smiled at him with his face cupped 'lovingly' in her hands.

"Sure." Darkrider responded with his usual zeal.

"Allright… you be a good boy, and don't get too dirty playing with Rookshaw now." She assured him as she headed back over to the two men and they headed off to hunt.

Darkrider glared after them and in that moment if hate had the power to injure a person he could have struck both of his parents dead. I hope you get eaten, both of you. I hate you! He mentally cried, his hands clutching tightly to Rookshaw's fur. It wasn't until he heard the whimpers from the wolf that he broke his gaze and looked down at his bond. "Sorry…." He scratched behind the wolf's ears. "Did I scare ya? Didn't mean to… I just hate them a lot." He told his bond.

::Elf…. Fr….d…k?:: The wolf tried to reach out to the young elven boys mind and he smiled, knowing that Rookshaw was trying so hard just for him. "I'm fine…"

He assured him. Or at least I wish I was.

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