
- Fox: brother;
- Cooltouch: Mother (deceased);
- Loam: Father (deceased)

Siblings :
Wandering Leaf: Estranged Lifemate
None Yet
Magic Sense
Nightcry is outspoken, but not overtly so. When people want to be left alone, she leaves them alone. However, if someone asks her opinion, she'll give it without hesitation. She also likes to try to help others with their problems. She is one of the younger elders, and has been prone to both clumsiness and silliness. However, with all of the recent tragic events, Nightcry has found herself acting with a newfound maturity, and is finally starting to consider herself an elder of the tribe.
Helping others, finding things, listening to stories about the tribe's past, her lifemate.
When others are troubled, when she can't make herself be understood, not being able to be useful, snow.
Losing her lifemate and letting down her tribe.
Nightcry is 4'2", with a small, strong build.
Auburn and shoulder length. Usually held back by a cap or a headband with a few tendrils escaping to the front.
Brown and large
New Green
A green knee-length tunic with a belt wrapped around the middle. Brown ankle-high boots. Her dagger is usually strapped to her side.
White Cold
Mostly the same as New Green, but with fur lining the bottom edge of the tunic and long sleeves added. She also adds tight tan leggings with lacings up the side and green, knee-high boots lined in grey fur. Because of the unusual bitterness of the current White Cold, she has also added a brown leather jacket complete with fur-lined hood and a pair of mittens to her usual outfit.
A necklace adorned with tiny metal stars, a pair of gold hoop earrings.

Nightcry was born to a recognized couple over 700 years ago and held the name of Greenbranch. She and her older brother Fox never really got along, as she felt the holt favored him and paid little attention to her. Growing up with her brother became more of a contest.

The tension between her and her brother increased until one day when they both returned from a hunt. She had been successful, but her brother had not, and Greenbranch was pleased. However, though she was the one who brought home the kill her brother stole the glory of the night by saving one of the cublings from a giant snake. Her contribution to the hunt had been forgotten.

Upset, she wandered into the forest, not wanting to interrupt the festivities. But she could not contain her rage and screamed loud and long into the night. The elves, thinking it was a wounded animal they heard, headed into the forest to look to see if they could find what was making such a racket. Plainswalker, the chieftess at the time, was the one who found Greenbranch and renamed her Nightcry.

After this event, Nightcry learned not to keep the things that were bothering her inside and became a much more outspoken--and a much happier--elf. The relationship between Nightcry and her brother also greatly improved.

When Wandering Leaf, a stranger, ventured into Stormrise, Nightcry found herself immediately taken with him. Given time, she persuaded him to get closer to her, and a relationship ensued. Eventually, during a time when she and her lovemate stayed behind at the New Green Hurst to help watch over Tremble's new wolf litter, the pair became inseparable. They became lifemates and voluntarily exhanged soulnames.

However, to Nightcry's shock, the relationship she was to have with her new lifemate didn't last. When Wandering Leaf went with Wildlight and a group of others to lay siege on the den of the Shadow Beasts, Wandering Leaf went missing, without a trace. Although she stretched both sending and magical abilities to their limit, she could find no trace of him. Her entire world was crushed, and it quickly became clear that without her lifemate, the elder would soon die from grief.

Thankfully, Wandering Leaf, injured and stranded away from the hurst, managed to contact Nightcry for help before he froze to death in the snow. She has tried not to fuss over him as he slowly recovers, but has secretly taken to using her magic to periodically check on him when the two are apart.

Although Nightcry seems to have conquered the dark and unidentifiable depression that suddenly came upon her even after her lifemate's retrieval, there is still something that occasionally nags at the back of her mind. For the most part, she has ignored it, and it hasn't manifested itself in a powerful way as of yet.

Bond Beast:

Tremble, Alpha Wolf, Age 7

Gender: Female

A small but strong wolf, Tremble got her name from her habit of trembling with excitement whenever she spotted her prey. Still, she's a strong and capable hunter and has done more than her share in helping to hunt for the pack.




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