Winner GWA '03
The Blacksmith (Best Craftsman)
E-mail Kristin
343 |
Native |
- Flowerfall:
Mother (Deceased);
- Bucktread: Father (Deceased)
None |
None |
Animal Medicine
and Knife
Once she was
outgoing and has an easy laugh. She could easily be found
with a smile upon her face. Recent events in the tribe have
mellowed her out to the point of unease around her tribemates.
She's dedicated and patient. She's a rather strange cookie
as she finds Snapjaw irresistible. But she's had her nose
nipped too many times by the old wolf, so to speak.. not
literally. So she's gone to making him a figure in her dreams
and that at times depresses her. These dealings with Snapjaw
have made her much more leary of trying to find another
for a Lovemate. Rejection can be harsh. She's a rather imaginative
female, which doesn't help her in anyway. She can often
be starry-eyed in a dreamy state. She loves hearing stories
of the past, or flights of fancy made for the enjoyment
of all during dreamberry hazes, but she can't tell a story
for the life of her. She just doesn't have the skill to
put what in her mind into words or on hide. However, often
her mind will look upon a situation and compare it to this
story she heard of that.
Always having
been extremely close her bonded wolves, She was never very
sure on her thoughts about griffins. She'd rather be firmly
planted on the ground or in a grounded tree, rather then
risking her neck upon a winged critter. This doesn't mean
she's totally against them, she's just afraid to fly upon
one. Unless the situation is serious, she feels that elves
of wolves blood were not meant to fly, even aided. For all
her misgivings of griffins, she will be the first to rush
to the aid of an injured one and was. And that's how she
ended up bonded to one. Now she is forced to deal with her
fears and learn to love something she feared. It is a slow
processes and while she has come to truly love her bond,
her feet are still on the ground.
She is passionate
about the lives of animals and the elves within her tribe.
Though she knows there is an order to life and she does
eat meat, she will help the tribe's animals or even animals
they won't eat, in need. She also tries to take the weight
off of the healers by supplying the tribe with herbs and
medicines that she learned in her time with the last herbal
healer/Midwife. And she helps out with every animal and
elfin birth craving to be with the young. It's this passion
that makes her a good Animal Healer and Midwife.
to stories of the past, tales of fantasy under a dreamberry
haze. Having Fun. Saving the life of an animal. Bringing a
cub into the world - no matter whether elfin or wolven.
(Unless there is no other option), humans, dislikes being
disliked, death
has a fear of flying. Being above the trees on griffin back
is rather petrifying for her. She doesn't mind climbing high
in trees, because at least they are firmly attached to the
ground. Other fears include being lost and alone, losing an
animal even after she works so hard to save it, losing a cub
during birth, and losing friends - losing friends has happened
so much of late.
rather short for an elf, only reaching 4'. She has a bit of
a womanly figure to her, coupled with athletic arms and legs.
white scars across her left side, from a bear swipe. A second
long scar from a bear- like creature attack runs along her
other side, making a matched pair.
fire red hair. It's cut short, however she had two thin braids
on each side of her head that are gathered to the back of
her head. The binding is decorated with short and broad off-white
feathers that fan behind her head. The braids are long dropping
to mid back.
shaped with long lashes. The color is a bright blue at the
edges and fades to a light blue at the iris.
start off this whole design with a dark maroon body suit.
The neckline is wide with an over drape made of a yellow ochre
color. The sleeves of the outfit are short and flared, with
a ragged cut. The legs flare out at the bottom hem and are
split to allow her feet freedom. She has yellow ochre colored
boots on that disappear under the flared legs, to fit snuggly
at her calf. The crowning touch of the outfit is the loosely
tied material around her waist. It's tied so that the semi
triangle shape of it hangs down one hip. The off white fabric
is decorated with yellow ochre fringe.
are similar to her new green clothes. The one difference in
the style is the long sleeves under the flared short sleeves.
Over this outfit she wears a fur-lined vest that drops to
mid calf. It is fitted against her body by a sash that's tied
in the back. Her head is kept warm by a fur-lined hat. It
has a back that drapes down her neck, keeping the back of
it warm as well. The fur she used for this outfit is mottled
brown and white Ravvit furs.
hoop earrings
Born one morning
to Flowerfall and BuckTread, her father stated simply that
her red curls could rival the Morning's Sun. And so she
was named MorningGlow for her bright red hair. She didn't
have the trademark temper that normally goes with the hair.
Instead she had a fiery imagination. She was known at times
to pretend to be one of the long dead chieftesses or something
much more strange like a wolf. So it was no surprise that
her first bond was a rambunctious wolf pup named WildPlay.
The two were an inexhaustible pair. And like most cubs they
were out cold before the sun came up.
When she had
just turned 15 years of age tragedy struck. Her and her
parents had gone out on a hunt to supply some food for the
tribe. A cave that smelled of old bear distracted MorningGlow.
Thinking it must be empty of any occupants for some time
the young elf and bond made their way inside. They played
a game of Bear and wolf, until her parents sent for her.
They were not at all happy that their daughter had snuck
off to play. Embarrassed about her getting caught, she started
to leave. The only problem was a rather large bear blocked
her way out. With a frantic sending that went out to more
then just her parents MorningGlow found herself knocked
across the cave floor by the bear's first swipe. WildPlay
tried to protect her, but he quickly fell prey to the bears
furious attack. Her parents arrived just in time before
the bear took another swipe out of her. They fought bravely,
but her father was first to fall as the bear grabbed him
in a bearhug and bit his neck opening the big vein there.
Her mother wild with the loss of her Lifemate attacked the
bear driving the knife into it's chest. However, she didn't
get away in time as the bear fell it grabbed her head in
it's jaws. Her skull was crushed by the falling weight of
the bear. MorningGlow fainted.
When she came
too she found herself being carried by Snapjaw upon wolf
back, she saw him as kind of a hero rescuing the fair elfess
in distress. And there her first crush developed, she seemed
rather starry-eyed for the Old Wolf. However, she did learn
a lesson and all her imaginative play became visions of
daydreamed fantasy within her mind. She was for a long time
not allowed to join in the hunt, instead she was left to
care for the cubs. She used her imaginative nature to create
games for the cubs to play, keeping them happy for hours
at a time. She also spent a lot of free time learning herbology
from the healer and the various things to do for animals.
This training took her down the road to being an animal
healer. She was the one called for the little things, the
bigger more life threatening injuries were given to the
magical healers. She wished she had those powers, but never
really missed them. She found great satisfaction in a night
of hard work and watching over a sick wolf.
It took over
a hundred years before she proved herself worthy enough
to hunt again. She found it not all that easy and was embarrassed
that at such an age she did not have enough skills to hunt.
So she was taught much like a cub and she hated it. Having
been her guardian after her parents' deaths, it wasn't surprising
that Snapjaw took on her teaching. He was determined to
get such foolish flights of fancy out of her skull. MorningGlow
took all the lessons in stride and seemed to drown in her
crush for the Old Wolf. Until one day she actually got up
the nerve to offer herself to him. He turned her down in
such a way, that her feelings were bruised for sometime.
She didn't learn though and every time was shot down just
as unkindly. She finally did give up, but still held him
high in her mind and often made him the hero of her own
personal stories. She does hold the personal feeling that
someday he will accept her, even though part of her knows
that will never happen.
She's only recently
lost her most recent wolf bond to the ravages of age. This
wolf had been the closest one she's ever had. He had been
her companion in many things even though love and loss.
When his time had come she sat with him for the days it
took him to pass on. She held his head in her lap and caressed
his white riddled fur, and fed him pain-dulling herbs. She
sent to him and spoke to him until he took his last breath.
Leaving him to the scavengers to feast on, she returned
to the Hurst feeling lonelier then she had ever been. But
she keeps much of this feeling to herself and goes about
her duties to the tribe, healing sick animals and hunting
for food. He had many turns of the season before her and
who knows-- Her last wolf bond will soon become a faint
memory as the Way carries her onward.
In a strange
turn of events in MorningGlow's life, not long after her
wolf's death she found herself bonded to a griffin who had
nearly killed her. She tried to ignore it, but the griffin
would not leave. He even fought his way into the ranks of
the roost to stay near her. When she confronted him with
it, the old griffin told her he was trapped and had to stay.
She yelled at him that she tried to push him away and named
him Freedom to prove a point, but the old griffin stayed
firm. Thier bonding brought a new exprence to them both,
they often shared dreams without meaning it. And Freedom
learned from those dreams that the night he tried to kill
her haunted him. It took his fiercly protecting her and
getting injured during a bear-like creature's attack to
finally put that nightmare to rest. They're settling in
to their new bonding slowly, they still share dreams and
often can find their thoughts being read by the other. A
bit disturbing for both, but they're learning. And MorningGlow's
feet are still firmly planted on the ground.
Much to her surprise,
MorningGlow's importance in the tribe is growing. With the
death of a healer and the midwife. Her Herbal skills are
needed more and more. Recently, MorningGlow has been asked
to be Midwife a postion she's honored to have and looks
forward to fullfilling. The one thing better than this would
be to have her own cub.
Freedom, Griffin,
Age: ancient.
Gender: Male
Freedom is an ancient
griffin who is missing one ear. He and MorningGlow bonded
by accident, during a time when the old griffin tried to attack
the elfess. The old griffin is like a giant feathered Grandfather
with deadly claws. He dotes on the Hatchlings, thinking they're
a precious gift that has to be protected. He's friendly
and is not afraid to give advice, but he can just as easily
turn and give a tongue-lashing if he thinks you're being a
fool. He's a fierce fighter and a gentle soul wrapped into
one. His only flaw is his affections for Phoenix Dagger who'd
rather him jump off a cliff. But then that makes him a good
match with his Bond.
Stormrise Holt
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