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Listed below are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about Stormrise Holt. Click on one of the headers to jump to a particular section.

How do I participate in the Holt?

Stormrise is primarily run via a round-robin style Roleplay via e-mail.
Once you've been added to the forum, you'll receive the group e-mails to which you can reply and add the actions and comments of your characters. Members are required to post a reply at least once a week (preferably more). You can also submit artwork and fanfiction, but these submissions are optional.


Can I play a character from the EQ comics?
No. All characters in Stormrise Holt must be original and not from the EQ


Can I play more than one character?
If you pass your one month trial period and participate regularly in the RP, you are allowed to play up to three characters (a combination of elves and humans). Please keep in mind, however, that you are required to be as active with three characters as you are with one.


Can I submit art or fiction not related to Stormrise Holt?
No. I only accept material related to Stormrise Holt. Pictures or stories of elves, griffins, fantasy creatures, etc, from other holts or universes are not accepted here.


Where do I submit artwork or fiction?
Please send art and fiction to: holtmistress@stormrise.com. Please include the title of the work. If someone else drew or colored a picture for you, please also include the name of that person so I can give them proper credit.


Can I write a draw a picture or write a story about characters other than my own?
Yes. Both are encouraged! However, if you're writing a story that has another player's character in it, you need to get his or her approval of the story before I will put it on the site.


You posted updates, but I don't see my submission online. How can I be sure if you've received it or not?
I e-mail members to let them know I've received their submission. If you send something and don't hear from me, please write me privately and ask about it. Sometimes e-mail has glitches and you might need to resend your submission. Please don't post "didn't you get my submission" posts to the forum.


Wow--the forum gets busy at times--do I have to read all the posts?

If you can, yes. Not reading all the posts might get you lost as to what's happening in the current plot. Plus, would you want someone to skip over your posts after you've put time and effort into writing them?


I'm lost and don't know what's happening in the RP. Can I get a plot update?
I keep a running plot update on the front page of the holt site: http://www.stormrise.com/page1.php. You can also contact me privately to get a more detailed update upon request if you've been away or are really lost, but please don't abuse this option.


Do you remove inactive players?
I hold an unnanounced inactive player purge at random times. If a player hasn't posted for the past two weeks at the time of the purge, and I haven't heard from him or her as to why, he or she will be removed from the holt.


I'm going to be inactive for a while due to RL! Please don't kick me out!
I won't remove you from the holt for inactivity if you tell me you're going to be gone for a while for legitimate reasons. However, if you don't post for an extended time (and don't tell me you're going to be busy/away), if your e-mail address starts to bounce messages, or if, from your posts, I feel as though you're not making an effort to participate, you will be removed from the holt without prior notice. This holt depends on active members to keep things running smoothly.


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I want to change my group options and/or read archives, but it says I need a password--where is my password?
Your password can be found at the bottom of the welcome message you received when you were added to the SRH RP list. If you've lost the message, don't worry. Enter your e-mail address at the bottom of the forum main page, and click submit to get to the options page. Near the top of this page is a button marked, "send me my password." Click this and your password can be sent to you.


Is there a way I can get a digest of the posts rather than having each post come to my inbox individually?
Yes--the SRH forum has a digest mode. To set this mode for delivery, go to http://www.stormrise.com/forum/. Scroll to the bottom of the page, enter your e-mail address and click submit. This will take you to the options page. Near the bottom of this page is an option that says "Set Digest Mode." Click the button that says "on," enter your SRH password at the bottom of the page, and click the button that says, "Submit my Changes."

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What's the proper etiquette to use when I post to the SRH RP forum?
Here's a list of do's and don't's for the SRH RP forum:
  • Unless you're starting a new thread, make sure you keep the subject line on your reply the same as the one you're replying to. This way, we know where you're placing your character in the RP.
  • If you're posting entirely off topic or out of character, put (OOC) in the subject line.
  • If you're adding an out of character comment to an in character post, make sure you mark your out of character comments as OOC:
  • Human threads should be marked with (h) or (human) in the subject line.
  • Be polite and considerate of others. Flaming is not allowed in the forum and will be grounds for your being removed from the holt. If you have problems with another player, work it out civilly. If need be, e-mail me and we'll try to clear things up in a civilized manner.
  • Don't overquote previous messages. Only include the parts of the previous posts that are necessary to give the other players a reference to what you're replying. We've read the previous posts (right? :) )--we only need a reminder. If you overquote, it discourages others from reading your messages because it makes your reply hard to find.
  • Don't roleplay anyone else's character or bond unless you have the express permission of that player to do so. Also refrain from bossing others into RP'ing a certain way in a plot.
  • Don't kill other players' characters or bonds.
  • Don't send HTML posts. Some of us don't use mail clients that support that format.
  • Don't send attachments to the group. Send pictures or stories to me. Due to the various viruses circulating around the 'net, I have enabled a catch-all in our group settings that will discard any messages containing attachments.


No one is interacting with my character--what do I do?
One of the best ways to get involved in the RP with other characters is to jump in and be active! Don't wait for others to approach you (others might be waiting for you to talk to them, too)--try to approach another character and say hi--interact with them. Remember, we're playing wolfriders, and wolfriders have fewer inhibitions than we humans do. Don't be shy...Get out there, jump in, meet the others, and have some fun!


The RP thread I was posting to fell silent. What do I do?
You can do one of two things. It might be that one of your responses was accidentally overlooked by the other player. Try posting your response again. It might also be that the other player is experiencing computer problems, etc, and is unable to respond. If all else fails, you can RP your character moving into another thread.


I have a great plot idea--can we Roleplay it?
I encourage players to make their own side plots--after all, following a strict script isn't any fun (and isn't RP, in my opinion!). However, if your plot involves anything major (death, human encounter, fighting, etc), it must be approved by me first.

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The Stormrise Holt website is copyright ©2001- 2025 Heidi Henderson. This site, in part or in whole can not be reproduced without the express written permission of Heidi Henderson. ElfQuest is copyright © 2025 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.