© 2002-2025 Ruth
and Heidi
Part 5
**Why did you
and Wren--and Darkrider--High Ones, Darkrider must have
known it, too.. Why did the three of you keep this from
me? Better I know then when I was on my back in my bedfurs
than now... By Crimson's blade, I've been chasing shadows
for a moon's dance now. I've been snapping at the shadows
of my tribe and I didn't know why.**
Frustrated, he
turned away, trying to sort out his thoughts. No, he didn't
feel like snapping at the eldest elder any more. He was
wise enough, coud hear the truth clearly in Snapjaw's send.
They'd felt it was necessary.
**Why did you
feel you had to use strength over reason?**
Snapjaw was forced
to consciously stop himself from rolling his eyes. Endless
questions. Why did everything have to be chewed over like
an old bone? How many different ways did he have to explain
this before Wildlight would let up? **You could not be reasoned
with. I tried.** Wren tried, too, but he did not add that.
Snapjaw wanted the songshaper out of the conversation. **Your
own wolf was going to collapse beneath you, paws ripped
raw, and you did not notice it until I told you. And you
were in the same shape as Blackjaw. He would have run until
you killed him if you had not set him loose, the same as
you, like rider like wolf.** The elder avoided the question
about Wren. Better to set the chief on a trail that didn't
have his sister's tracks. The air between the twins had
been strained enough already. The chief had bombarded him
with enough questions that skipping one was only natural.
**I told you nothing because I hoped you would remember
nothing. No one has ever caught me at it before. I did not
want to lose your trust, but...** The old elf shrugged his
shoulders, unfolding his arms and raising a hand to scratch
behind a pointed ear. "...but better that than lose
you. I hate new chiefs.**
Despite his irritation
and the slight confusion he felt at the moment, Wildlight
grunted in something akin to realization. Regardless of
the tone the eldest elder had used, Snapjaw had paid him
a compliment of sorts. Of course, a compliment from Snapjaw
wasn't as rare as one from Traildust, but it could be rare,
all the same. And, despite the fact that Snapjaw could be
irritable and opinionated, he was wise, so the compliment
made Wildlight feel a little better, at the least.