
- Notch: Mother (deceased);
- Hillock: Father (deceased);
- Sunfire: Sister;
- Wren Songshaper: Lifemate

None Brace:
Winner of the GWA '02
"Star-Crossed Lovers"
Honorable Mention

Winner of the GWA '01
"Screen Chemistry"
Honorable Mention

Winner of the GWA '03

"Trusty Hos"
(Best Bond)


Thrush (Lovemate, deceased);
Nock (Lovemate);
Wren Songshaper (Lifemate)

Wren Songshaper
Human Lore, Weapon Smith, Trainer
Sword, Polearm

Brace possesses a deeply intense sense of self. He is routinely quiet in his demeanour, not being one to draw attention to himself; he is modest in his work and accomplishments while still taking great pride in the quality of his workmanship. He believes in subtle yet firm guidance and not being one to take things at face value, tends to look beyond to the deeper root of the matter; as such, Brace is also well known for being level-headed.

Wanderers, however, are another matter and he typically does not like them. Having a deep-rooted devotion to family and tribe - a larger family - he cannot understand how one would be without one’s people, especially if they chose to leave voluntarily and he is suspicious of those who may have been forced to leave, for whatever reasons they claim. These feelings were further solidified when Brace was young when an outsider came to Stormrise and sparked wanderlust into his then lovemate, Nock, who eventually left the holt and him as a result. The brash actions of Wandering Leaf, who nearly exposed Brace, Sunfire and the rest of the tribe to the humans during a scouting mission only further added to his mistrust of strangers and he struggles with his sister’s obvious attraction to Nightlinger.

Family and friends are most important to him and come first in all things. He shares an intimately close bond with his younger sister, Sunfire, whom he raised after their parents’ deaths. Because of his intense and private nature, he is not prone to taking mates and has shared his life with only two previous lovemates, Nock and Thrush, and now his Recognized, Wren Songshaper, to whom he has devoted himself to completely. As friends he counts Wildlight and Wren, in addition to Sunfire. Brace prefers small gatherings of close friends over large tribal events.

When his sister displayed an obvious interest in the stranger Nightlinger, Brace experienced many conflicting emotions, remembering his own misfortune in a similar situation and not wishing Sunfire to be hurt by the likely outcome, which came as Brace had expected. While privately glad that the stranger has left the tribe, Brace is still concerned for Sunfire’s well-being and harbours an unspoken fear that she may also leave to search out the elf.

Brace is somewhat sophisticated in that he enjoys the finer aspects of life such as stylish, well made clothes of various textures, exotic meats, music and song. Highly artistic, he enjoys all art forms that create with their hands and inspiration of the spirit – a finely crafted hilt and honed blade is his delight and he is ever working on and perfecting a new piece, be it weaponry, tools, jewellery or ornamentation.

His cultural side sparks an interest in him in the humans, especially these new ones as they create large and strange stone formations and he can’t help but wonder as to their purpose.

Working with his hands and on his weapons, rainy days, weapons training, quiet times spent with family and friends.
Interruptions, fish, shoddy workmanship, nosiness or butting into others' business uninvited, wanderers/strangers
Disease, losing his hands, Sunfire running off after a stranger.
Tall and lean with stocky musculature, 4'8' tall. Brace sports a square face and jaw, straight nose, average lips and strong hands. He has the perpetual tangy scent of raw ore about him.
Some nicks upon his hands and fingers from cuts brought about by his trade.
Dark auburn red curls framing face, tied just below nape of neck in long leather thong to mid back.
Dark brown, average and slanted, dark auburn brown eyelashes and brows
New Green
Loose tan coloured trousers with black binding around the waist, tucked into thick black boots. His chest is bare beneath a loose white jacket open at the front with black binding running down either side, also tucked into his trousers at the waist and into his black metal arm bracers. The jacket sports a hood at the back that he wears during stormy weather. A black sash ties around his trim waist with a dirk hidden in its folds.
White Cold
Loose grey coloured trousers tucked into oiled black leather boots. He dons a thicker, fur-lined jacket with a high collar and hood that buttons up the front with longtooth claws. Adds fine oiled black gloves.
Black metal arm bracers

Born Blaze to Notch and Hillock during the gold and flame hued season of autumn, Brace’s parents surprisingly Recognized a second time in his early cubhood. As a result, his sister Sunfire was born only 10 years his junior and they grew up together, Brace later finishing Sunfire’s raising after the death of their parents, events that struck great blows to both children. The siblings possess a relationship as close as any lifemated pair, and brother and sister are rarely far from each other.

An eye for design, a mind for thinking and fingers that itched to tinker, Brace spent his early years fascinated by weapons, their uses and crafting. His interest in metals and working with his hands showed early in his life and he often felt that certain chunks of rock and metal would 'speak' to him as to what they should be. The discovery and honing of his metal shaping magic naturally lead him to craftsmanship of all things metal from weapons to jewellery to tools or simple art pieces.

His elfin blood strong in his veins, Brace had several wolf bonds before bonding with his current griffin, although few of his wolves were all that close to him. Despite this, the bonding with the griffin he dubbed Pinfeather was something of a strange occurrence to him. He had often admired the magnificent beasts but never dreamed that elves and griffins would one day bond together, let alone him. He's quite content being a griffin rider, however, even though some of the tribe still chaff at the beasts.

Recognition struck suddenly and joyously with Wren Songshaper after his first reconnaissance mission upon the humans, the two inexplicably drawn together in the privacy of his den. Willingly joining together, Brace gave himself fully to his new soul mate, his enduring commitment to her needing no mention, a deep rooted feeling of completion now realized. His love for Wren is one of quiet yet determined love and he would bestow all manner of fortunes upon her possible and shield her from all harm with his own life. The wonder of their cub growing within his mate never ceases to amaze him and he eagerly awaits the day he can hold their cub in his own arms.

Bond Beast:

Pinfeather, First-Wing Griffin, Age 216

Gender: Male

A young adult male just coming into his prime years, Pinfeather is a proud, if not obnoxious, griffin. Highly critical to the point of contemptuousness, he despises dirt and will spend hours diligently preening himself and is ruthless in the hunt. Rank and status in the griffin monarchy are also very important to him.

The feathers of Pinfeather’s bald eagle head are almost iridescent in their silvery lustre and contrast highly with his darker brown lion hindquarters. His eyes, beak and talons are a ruddy dark gold.




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